To the best of our ability, we will alert our visitors any time a scene includes “unequal sex.”


(look for this symbol if you want to avoid unequal sex/rigid “gay4pay”)



What is unequal sex, you ask?

Well, it's a bit like the difference between erotica and porn: you know it when you see it. For the purposes of this site (because unequal sex comes in many variations outside of porn), unequal sex is the use of performers who refuse to sexually reciprocate with their partners in any way. We find it unsettling and insulting at best, homophobic at worst.

We believe “gay4pay” should be a niche, not the norm. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case for quite some time. Thankfully–due to evolving attitudes about sex, gender, and sexuality–that¬†trend is changing. This was inevitable as older producers retire and younger talent moves in to replace them. (Kind of like waiting for all the old politicians to die off.)

Porn is unique in the sense that many times the producer is creating a product that fulfills their own fantasies, so they become myopic and set in their ways. While their approach might have initially gained them their following and brand recognition, if they aren't willing or able to adapt to the changing attitudes, that approach will also be their undoing.

There is no steadfast rule for identifying unequal sex in porn.

One of the things we look for is whether the producers are marketing heterosexuality itself. That is, if they actively market their performers as “straight” in order to entice consumers with the notion that heterosexual males are more appealing, attractive, and/or valuable. We find it disturbing when an entire marketing schtick is rooted in selling heterosexuality via gay porn. Disturbing is putting it nicely. When we feature content, we make our best attempt to strip out as many references to their performer's supposed “straightness” as possible (such as in video descriptions).

Unfortunately, we cannot feature some sites and studios at all because this marketing ploy is built into their brand's name (such as “Broke Straight Boys” or “Straight Fraternity”). We wholeheartedly disagree with marketing heterosexuality. We don't begrudge folks if that is their thing, but there are plenty of places where it can be found.

Another thing we look for comes down to the performers themselves. Beyond giving dull, lifeless performances due to their rigid limitations, they seethe palpable internalized homophobia. They somehow believe that engaging in certain acts is “more gay” than engaging in other acts. To them, it's less gay (and less of a threat to their sexuality and masculinity) if they only get their dick sucked without reciprocating in any way.

While some performers and studios take this to the extreme, there are many levels and we do try to keep in mind that some newer performers might take a minute to warm up to the sex. However, they should keep in mind that they're in fucking porn and it's a job they willingly chose.

We're not out to destroy anyone's “straight” fantasy.

We're also not out to argue about the actual sexuality of these performers. We simply don't want to play into this ubiquitous gay4pay attitude. The fault lies with the producers, though. If they're going to be putting the “pay” in gay4pay, they should expect their employees to put the “gay” in it. Sometimes we are shocked at the audacity of a performer who thinks that it's okay to be a gay porn star who refuses to do anything gay.

Then we remember that it's actually the studio's fault for letting them get away with it.